Delicious Flavored Water Recipes

We all know that sodas and juices are jam packed with sugar,we also know how water can sometimes be boring...not anymore,here are some delicious flavored water recipes!

Lemon and Blueberries
Strawberries and Mint
Cucumber,Lemon and Mint
Orange and Pineapple
Ginger and Lemon
Watermelon and Mint
Kiwi and Strawberry
Cucumber and Lime
Lemon and a pinch or Cayenne Pepper
Blackberry and Ginger
Thyme and Blackberries
Strawberry and Basil

The list goes on and on which means there's no excuses for not drinking enough water!

*When using herbs crush or chop for best flavor,when using citrus chop or cube and when using berries crush for flavor*

Fresh delicious flavored waters will always be remembered when served at dinners and parties as well. No one ever leaves a party saying "that was a really delicious soda"-said no one ever haha

                                 Share your favorite flavored water recipe with us!!