Quick and Easy Snacks

First and foremost,in order to break the dependence on "fast food" aka processed food,you'll have to set aside just ONE day a week to prepare ALL snacks and meals! Meaning,washing,dicing and blending every fruit and veggie. Prepackage and store your snacks for when you're on the go! It's that EASY. Not only does preparing our own snacks and meals keep us healthy but it also saves us major money!!
Here are some quick and easy snack ideas:

1.) Celery,peanut butter topped with raisins.
2.) Homemade trail mix,prepackage your favorite nuts,seeds and dark chocolate chips!
3.) Fresh fruit! Whatever is in season,right now apples,persimmons and grapes are a great choice this time of year.
4.) Veggies,carrots,snap peas,celery,radishes,etc,ALL filling and tasty.
5.) Eggs,the best protein here on earth,vegetarian fed and range free eggs are the healthiest and have the best taste. There's so many ways to enjoy an egg,scrambled,poached,fried and boiled.
6.)Cheese! Just be sure the cheese contains no additives or artificial coloring.
7.)Smoothies,any fruit or veggies mixed with water and sometimes milk for a richer texture.
8.) Quick banana nut oatmeal cookies: mash 2 overripe bananas with 1/2 cup of steel cut oats and a 1/2 cup of walnuts or pecans. Bake at 350 for 15mins
9.)Guacamole,you can't go wrong with guacamole! Its a perfect dip for carrots,cucumbers and celery. 10.) Edamamaes,sprinkle just a pinch of sea salt and you're ready to enjoy!

The list goes on and on when it comes to preparing your own "fast food" and all without having to leave to leave home! So get creative and get to prepping your favorite snacks!